
What's Wrong With This Picture?

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I want to talk about last weekend's Carnegie recital of tenor Juan Diego Florez. I really do. But first I feel I must run a contest.

That's right people! A contest! Right here on this blog! The prize? Um, I haven't figured that out yet. But it will be one knitting-related something-or-other for sure. (I have lots of stuff I could give away, I just need to take stock. There might be some chocolate involved.) The first person to leave the right answer in the comments wins.

Why am I running this contest, you ask? Suffice it to say that there is something in this program that really amuses me, but at the same time does not bode well for things to come. I want to share the humor, and the dismay. Also, I really am curious to know how many opera buffs there are out there. Besides, contests are fun.

The question? What's wrong with this picture? There are two things that are wrong with the program from last weekend's recital. Actually, given that there are those two things, I rather suspect there may be more. But at any rate, I am looking for two specific problems with something on the pages. They are related somethings. Sorry though, if you identify more problems that I haven't they don't count! They might get you some chocolate though. Might. Depends on how many problems there end up being.

So tell your friends! Flex your cerebrum! Let me hear 'ya!


At 6:34 PM, Blogger Opal said...

I'm sorry. I love opera but I just don't have the dedication or the knowledge to participate in this one. I look forward to finding out the answers though!

At 8:46 PM, Blogger schrodinger said...

Oh man, as much as I love prizes. My knowledge of classical music (or opera's) amounts to a great big nought.

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm working on it... but (as someone who used to edit classical music programs for a living) why the long bio of Bellini when it's followed by none of his songs? and why the inconsistency with sometimes listing lyrics to a song (badly translated and not in proper form, at that) and sometimes historical/operatic context (see the Rossini selections for example)? Maybe i'm just cranky...


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Err...I guess I'm not even sure what kind of error I'm looking for. If it's a factual error, I'm out. If it's a grammatical error (in English), I have a shot, but I'm guessing that's probably not what you're looking for....

I guess that's what I get for posting too-obscure showtune lyrics on my blog and asking people to identify them!

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guesses after a quick look. First, Bellini's bio is placed in the middle of the program notes. Then the translations should have their own section in the program, and are usually set in, I don't really know how to say it, but not in paragraph form, but in poetry form (I just know that I know the term for that-can't come up with it).

By the way-I lurk here and I love reading about the performances that you see. My daughter and I love opera, but rarely get to go. That should change, as my daughter is a voice student at the New England Conservatory, working toward the opera program.

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH, and unless the original text is in English-aren't the translations printed alongside the original language?


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