
E Fini!

Hi y'all! I'm back from my hiatus with a finished project! Sort of. Well, you'll see why. Anyway, I have been in kind of a funk lately, and not knitting much, but since finishing the Elfines (which are still waiting for a photo shoot) I had a deep desire (for an unknown reason really) to finish off another WIP I had started more than two months ago. Enter Evelyn Clark's Shetland Triangle Shawl from Wrap Style. I was so close to being finished that I just pushed on through. I was relying heavily on an ability to be able to guess when I needed to switch to the edge chart such that I would not run out of yarn. Essentially, magic. But, magically, it worked - I don't think I would have gotten another pattern repeat out of the skein! I'll post the specifics tomorrow, but I will say I used a different yarn, different needle size, and different number of pattern repeats. So there.

Binding off a gazillion stitches is a pain takes forever...

Hmmm, I seem to have lost a stitch (on the left).
Luckily it did not go anywhere before I found it again.

Two grams out of 50 were left over!

The shawl at rest after an invigorating dip in the pool.

Ack! Ack!
(Let the hyperventilation commence.)

This is what happens when you get cocky and don't use lifelines, though it hardly would have mattered since I didn't spot it until after it was all spread out and stretched to within an inch of it's life. Luckily this is a sticky yarn, oh yes indeed. There are actually now three live stitches (I think), which I have rescued (I hope) and will re-attach tomorrow (with luck). Two dropped stitches on a single project, good grief.

In other goings-on, I have good news, which I have not jinxed by talking about too soon, and which I will write about soon! It means a big change, and a lot of stress the next few weeks. This, of course, does not mean that I have abandoned knitting. With the completion of Shetland Triangle I had only one other project on the needles, Absorba, the Rug, can you believe it? Since Absorba is not terribly portable I cast on for a sock right away, since the only yarn I have wound and ready to go is sock yarn. More on that tomorrow.

And don't dispair, people who are awaiting packages from me! Soon! Very soon! (Incidentally, did you know that postal rates went up? Again? My question is does this means we will get better service?


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Leah said...

Ooooh so glad you caught that! I can't imagine if you hadn't! *Shudder*

It looks quite lovely!!

Can't wait to hear your good news! :)

At 10:48 AM, Blogger The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Wow, so gorgeous...

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better service? NOOOO!
Sorry for lost stitch, but with lost stitch or not - shawl is AMAZING!

At 4:02 PM, Blogger schrodinger said...

It's beautiful

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

The scarf is beautiful - so glad the dropped stitches didn't turn into tragedy.

And I am sure there will not be better service - still grumpy about a trip to the P.O. yesterday where one of the girls working there lectured me on and on and on about media mail (moving, mailed 10 boxes of books, they wouldn't let me bring in the other 5 because they were closing, so I have to pay the higher rates this week). And, who knew, newspaper is not considered media (so don't use it for packing material in media mail!) because it has advertisements.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Ginny said...

I am so impressed that you were able to fix that. I think I would have been crying in a corner somewhere.

P.S. I'm going to meme-tag you.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Opal said...

I'm so glad to see you back! The shawl is gorgeous. I'm sure you'll have no problem fixing the live stitches.


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